
Mysterious and fascinating, Myanmar, once known as Burma, is often referred to as the Golden Land. The region has a highly diverse culture where Buddhism permeates every facet of life. Colorful mound folks dot the uplands; coastal angling communities inhabit along the handsome Indian Ocean, and, throughout there are the grinning expressions of the Burmese. Also, most connect Myanmar with the politician Aung San Suu Kyi, who was on house arrest for years and is the face for the “new” Myanmar. It does make this an entrancing time to unwrap Myanmar’s glistening golden stupas, legion rice fields, mystifying abandoned temples and beguiling mountain tracks. Most telling of all, though, are the brushes with people charged-up to introduce outsiders to their country, culture, and, traditions. Myanmar offers all the joys and colors of Asia in one fascinating land. Wherever you go in Myanmar, there is always a feeling of adventure whether it is cruising in the Ayeyarwaddy, drifting over the ancient city of Bagan by hot air balloon, or, searching for that evasive tiger on the back of an elephant. While Myanmar offers a treasure house experience, but, the policies there are really strict and stiff in terms of deposit and cancellation fee. However, it would be safer if you would secure your Air tickets as well as Visas before making any payments. Also, it should be noted that you must bring sizeable cash in US dollars or Euros to cover all personal expenses for your trip, as Kyat, US dollars and Euros are the only currencies accepted in Myanmar. Credit cards and travelers cheque may not generally be used and other methods of wiring money into the country are limited. Although there are some new ATM machines and credit card merchant facilities, but they can be tricky at times so you should have a backup plan ready in place.

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